Breweriana collectors convention Minsk’2017

We are starting the campaign to promote the XI International Breweriana Collectors Meeting in Minsk. As the first step we propose you to look at the report about the latest convention: photo and VIDEO content included!

In the past 5 years the Convention in Minsk tried 5 different venues, and that didn't happen accidentally. More and more spaces emerge in Minsk, and club is always seeking for the best hall to host the meeting. Looking back at 2017, we settled at the "Verkh" ("Upstairs") art-space, which is located on the 5th floor of the former production property of the major Belarusian plant "Horizont". Natural loft design, industrial landscapes, large windows, lot of space, parking nearby. Ideal, isn't it?

One caveat: members didn't really value the opportunity to carry a hundred of tables and chairs up to 5th floor and back
In 2018 we try the new address: the new art-space "OK16". This is also former production properties, belonging to a machine-tool plant.

More details about the new space (and new format, by the way) you can learn under the menu. Below we discover our achievement of the past year.

The convention happened on Saturday, April 1st. The scale of the meeting was the same as in 2016: over 150 participants from 11 countries (the record number of 13 countries from 2016 was not broken), but we expanded the total geography. First time ever visitors from Spain and Slovakia attended Minsk convention. By the way, we are already confident that there will be more new countries represented in 2018.

Traditionally the convention is preceded by an excursion trip which is offered for guests who arrive in advance. On Mar 31st (Friday), the group of tourists headed towards Borisov-land, visiting (among other site seeings) major sport venue Borisov-arena and BELAZ plant, producing one of world's biggest earth movers.

You can get prepared to see the really big truck, but upon personal experience you still get amazed with the size

By the way: it is normal to visit Minsk for more than one day. And while it's very easy to find accommodation nowadays, organizers offer centralized hotel reservation: in this case guest get additional opportunity to continue exchanges and group together to crawl across the city.

The exchange session itself takes almost the whole Saturday (8:00 to 16:00), and some guests still experience lack of time. The video below depicts the atmosphere. Enjoy!

Finally, feel free to view and grab some photos memorizing interesting moments of the meeting:

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Profile photo of Сергей Ших

Сергей Ших

Я член правления клуба "Пивные Волаты". Я называю себя коллекционером красивых пивных этикеток и "дегустатором в отставке". Интерес к пивной теме начался в 1997 году с коллекции этикеток, потом появился инстинкт охотника за новыми сортами. Мне интересно не только и не столько само пиво как напиток, но сам феномен пивной культуры и истории, связанные с ним байки, стиль и его место в обществе. Мой интерес на сегодня - самые красивые этикетки и только редкие, эксклюзивные сорта пива.
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Profile photo of Сергей Ших

About Сергей Ших

Я член правления клуба "Пивные Волаты". Я называю себя коллекционером красивых пивных этикеток и "дегустатором в отставке". Интерес к пивной теме начался в 1997 году с коллекции этикеток, потом появился инстинкт охотника за новыми сортами. Мне интересно не только и не столько само пиво как напиток, но сам феномен пивной культуры и истории, связанные с ним байки, стиль и его место в обществе. Мой интерес на сегодня - самые красивые этикетки и только редкие, эксклюзивные сорта пива.

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